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foto personal con flores de bach

Nishka emerged from a "fresh start" in my life.

I felt that what I was working on did not motivate me but only gave me material security (I worked for 10 years in marketing in different companies in Buenos Aires, Argentina, my country of origin.

In a place of my being something told me that this was not for me, I did not feel completely fulfilled in that world.

It was so that after a long path of self-knowledge with the help of Floral Therapy and a transformative trip that I made to India, I decided that it was time to leave the comfort zone, take risks and connect with those things that had been around for a long time. They had been arousing interest in me for some time. 

I remember that from a very young age I had been interested in Reiki, starting at the first level around the age of 14. I had also taken Bach Flowers and already knew some aspects of my birth chart when I was still in school. Nothing was chance.
I feel that this is my passion, helping and contributing to improving the well-being of people and animals, it is very gratifying for me to be able to accompany and help people in their different processes, and contribute my knowledge to improve the quality of life of everyone who I needed it.

Mi enfoque y formación

Mi enfoque es holístico e incorporo diversas disciplinas para para que puedas transitar tus procesos de desarrollo personal desde una perspectiva integral. ​

Soy Terapeuta Floral Profesional diplomada en Flores de Bach, Flores de California FES y Flores de Bush. 

Mi formación en Terapia Floral no solo incluye el conocimiento de cada una de las esencias florales con las que trabajo, sino también formación en psicología que me permite reconocer e interpretar emociones y estadios por los que está atravesando el consultante para así poder seleccionar adecuadamente las esencias florales que necesita y acompañarlo en sus procesos.

Soy Maestra Reiki Usui certificada por la Asociación Argentina de Maestros de Reiki.

Además de mi formación en Terapia Floral y Reiki, soy Astróloga, y cuento con capacitación en Numerologia, Psicología, Radiestesia, Gemoterapia, Aromaterapia, Cuenco Tibetano, disciplinas que complementan e incorporo a mis sesiones.

Espero que te gusten mis propuestas y gracias por interesarte!

I accompany you on a path of self-knowledge and personal growth

for you to find comprehensive well-being

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